Travel Tips Puerto Vallarta
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Tourist Protection Services ✈️
When traveling to Mexico tourists are always worried if something happens to them what can they do? or a lot of times feel stuck thinking they are all alone and have no rights just because they are just tourists. So I decided to write this article to let them know the basic services that are provided by the government and most of them are FREE of charge for any tourist and this will apply to any part of Mexico that you will visit.
Emergency Number - If you have an emergency all you have to do is dial "911" very simple right? of course dialing this doesnt have any cost.
Green Angels - If you are driving through Mexico and by any chance you have a mechanical issue, an accident, need some directions, they can help you out all you have to do is dial 078 from a mexican phone
American Consulate - In different parts of Mexico specially in the ones where there is a lot of expat community there are big chances that you will find a LOCAL American Consulate office. This website is also a great source to find the closer american office near you
Canadian Consulate - In this case as well in different parts of Mexico specially in the ones where there is a lot of expat community there are big chances that you will find a LOCAL Canadian Consulate office. This website is also great source to find the closer canadian office near you
Immigration Office - This is another great option and this website has a list of a lot of them. Puerto Vallarta office number (322) 224-7653
PROFECO (Federal Consumer Protection) This office is dedicated to protect tourists and local mexicans from all the businesses making sure that they follow all of their rules and are not taking advantage when they provide you a service. Here in PV these are their # 2250000 2250018 this is their official website https://www.gob.mx/profeco
✴️OAATRE (Tourist information and Legal assistance)✴️
Here in Puerto Vallarta we have this office that helps all foreigners with any complains or legal assistance. Their office is located in Park Lazaro Cardenas. FREE of charge of course. This is their FB Oaatre