Travel Tips Puerto Vallarta
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When is Low Season? When is High Season?
I decided to write about this because I have seen many posts from people that for whatever reason they think that after March it will be low season and PV will be dead.
I have worked in several hotels for over 10 years and after March it has NEVER been "low season". A lot of the markets leave yes, but there are still great markets in town all year long, there are very few restaurants that close after March, unless they are the owners of the property I dont think that its convenient for restaurant owners because most of them pay rent and yes they make good money on high season but not enough to close after March, open until next high season and continue paying the rent. Imagine that?
🍻SPRINGBREAK .- We have many spring breakers visiting us and we are not talking only about international visitors, we have MANY mexicans that visit us during springbreak. If you dont believe it ask any local how is the traffic on those days.
👙SUMMER VACATIONS.- We have MANY mexican families visiting us during the summer time when the kids are out of school.
👩🎓GRADUATIONS.- Many groups of mexican students celebrate their graduation here in PV and other beaches in Mexico.
⬇️So when its really LOW SEASON? Normally on rainy season, I will say end of July - October approx and yes many restaurants close for a couple of months and yes many hotels close one or a few of their towers on that time and a lot of people lose their job for a couple of months. Its also when you get the best deals on flights, hotels, etc...
⬆️When is HIGH SEASON? Before it was in November-March however in the resent years we have many people interested in celebrating the "Dia de Muertos" so our winter visitors are arriving earlier because of that.
⭐️When is TOP HIGH SEASON? In hotel standards Top High Season starts around the 18th of December and ends around Jan 3rd (last 2 weeks of the year). If you are traveling on these dates its very important that you book well in advanced and secure your spot to everything so you are not dissapointed (flight, accomodations, tours, etc...)