Travel Tips Puerto Vallarta
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Where do I exchange my Dollars to Pesos when I arrive?
This is another question that people ask a LOT. For whatever reason they think that if they dont have pesos with them there is not going to be a place here in PV or Mexico to change Dollars. That´s not true!
Honestly I have received messages from people that exchange their Dollars to Pesos in their own country months in advanced. I personally dont think its necessary.
❌ STOP worrying about this because there are MANY PLACES to exchange Dollars to Pesos 💵💰 specially when you are traveling to a "touristy spot" like PV.
✔️The First place where you can exchange your money is at the airport there are "exchange money booths" and ATM´s.
✔️Another place where you can exchange your money is at your hotel. In the hotels that I worked years ago the front desk clerks were able to exchange the money, in other hotels they have an "exchange money booth" inside the hotel.
✔️There are some stores that will accept US Dollars if you purchase something and give you the change back in pesos. I personally dont recommend this one unless you have no other option or its like an emergency, because the stores dont go by the "exchange rate of the day" they set their own rates. What does this mean?... this means that if I have a store and the exchange rate of the day is (example:$18 pesos for each US dollar) I will set my own exchange rate to $15 pesos for each US dollar or even $10 pesos for each US dollar (they set their own exchange rate at their best convenience) and if you do the math, that is only good for "that store" but not for you, so if you think of using your dollars in a store ask them first what is their exchange rate? and if its close to the regular exchange rate of the day, then that will be a fair deal. This also applies to the Taxis or Ubers for cash payment they set their own rates so ask before you get into the vehicle.
✳️Who do I think has the best exchange rate in PV?
Me personally whenever I have dollars to exchange I go to CI Banco (not sponsored) I have found that they give me the best rate from all the money exchange booths in town.