Travel Tips Puerto Vallarta
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Tipping💵 (while on vacations/or even living here)
One of the biggest concerns that people have is "tipping" and when to tip? my short answer will be Tip everybody that you can. The regular percentage is around 15-20%
Its no secret that the salaries in Mexico are not the best and a lot of people depend on the tips. I am going to focus this travel tip to all of those people who have the minimum salary or no salary at all and you should tip the most.
🏨HOTEL STAFF - Its kinda sad to say this but normally the people with more hard labor are the ones that have the lowest salaries, for example the waiters, laundry people, housekeepers, stewards (people that clean), etc. I guess I had been very lucky since my first job here in PV has been a desk job, maybe I didnt have the best salary but I did not have the minimum salary. So if you feel like one of these people are doing a good job please tip them DIRECTLY whatever the amount I am sure they will appreciate it.
🏨ALL INCLUSIVE TIPS - I have heard so many people saying "dont tip because the tips are already included in the all inclusive plan". Even though technically its true, the reality is that the tips that the employees get from the "all inclusive plan" is very little from my point of view and they have to share it with so many people that at the end of the day its not as good as you may think. So even if you are in your "all inclusive hotel" PLEASE TIP!
🍎BAGGERS - A lot of people dont know this but the baggers in the supermarkets/stores which are normally students or elderly people DONT have a salary.😦 This means that whatever they make on tips thats all they are going to get. Also sadly because of their age (elderly people) a lot of people dont give them the opportunity to get a regular job, so please take that in consideration when tipping them.
💵LOCAL TIPPING - Its is true that when you are living and working here in PV or any other part of Mexico you may not have the $ to tip everybody but whenever you can and it doesnt affect your wallet please do it because lets remember that when its "high season" there are a lot of tips everywhere but when its "low season" those people depend on our tips to pay their bills, feed their kids, etc...