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Travel Tips Puerto Vallarta 

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Do you like to Swim with the dolphins?   

This Travel Tip will be a little different. I will like to share with you first my very own and personal opinion on a tour called "Swim with the Dolphins" that sadly you can find it here in Puerto Vallarta and many other parts of Mexico.


I personally love waterparks, unfortunately the waterparks that we have here in PV also offer this activity (swim with the dolphins). I use to work for a tour company and it was heartbreaking how much demand this activity has. This was one of the reasons why I quit that job and stop promoting activities that went against the kind of person that I am and that had nothing to do with promoting our beautiful Mexico.


I know that everybody has the right and freedom to choose the activity that they want to do and spend their money on. But before you do it I will like for you to consider the alternative option which is "Swimming with the Dolphins in their natural habitat (ocean)" you may not have a chance to touch or kiss them (because in reality dolphins dont do that) but I am sure that you will have an amazing experience as well. Here in PV there is a company that offers this option, they are Wildlife Connection just ask for "Maru"

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If I change the mind of just 1 person with this travel tip I will be very satisfied.🐬

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