Travel Tips Puerto Vallarta

😈TIME SHARE😈(TS) (my inside experience and things you should know)
If this is your first time in PV/Mexico you must read this!
Around 13 years ago I arrived to PV looking for a work opportunity, sadly because I was a newbie and didnt know nothing about time share I was an easy target for them. I will not say the name of the hotel because that its not the focus and I think most of the hotels that have TS work the same way. So I was walking on the street leaving resumes and I asked an OPC (its the people that you see in the booths in the middle of the street) for directions and he asked me if I was looking for a job, so at the end they hire me in this "hotel" they will provide transportation to and from my house, give me lunch and whatever commission I made (didnt like the idea that there was no salary) but didnt have much money left so I said yes.
The person that was training me explained me that we needed to convince people to attend a presentation but didnt went to much into detail so I thought it was an easy job, over the days I realized the disgusting🤮"tactics" that they use to convince the people to attend the presentation.
They take advantage and they play with your heart he use to tell everybody different stories "his mom was in the hospital", "his wife had cancer", "he needed an urgent surgery", etc... at first I thought it was true and I felt bad for this guy but then I realized that it was all just "tactics" to play with your heart and convince you to attend their presentation. I was not gonna play like that because that was not my nature and I could not live thinking thats what I gotta do to pay my bills and have food on the table.
I was already looking for another job because I realized that was not for me and the last drop was when the person that was training me told me "tomorrow I am going to print pictures of those kids from africa and I was like "what for? he said "you are going to tell the people that those are your kids and that your husband left you" that was it🤬. I was there 18 days and that was more than enough to open my newbie eyes of how LOW people can go just for $$$🤑
✳️My Recommendations to avoid TS Presentations✳️
✅1-The first thing you need to know is that the hotels send their "most aggressive" TS reps at the airport so you really need to be careful because they have so many tricks you will not even realized, the best thing to do is avoid them at all costs and head to the exit door asap.
✅2-The TS reps are not allowed to use the word "time share" because they know the power that word has and that people will run away from them. So if somebody invites you to a "breakfast and hotel tour", "members club breakfast" or something around those lines just say NO! (unless you are interested)
✅3-The biggest lie that they will tell you its that is only 60min-90min. The truth is that it can go for HOURS thats why one of the requirements is that you dont have No other activities on that day so you dont have the excuse to say "I have to do this"
✅4-Another thing they are going to ask you is to not forget your Credit Card, but why need it if its only a breaksfast / hoteltour? simple because ITS NOT! What you can do there is just say that you have only American Express, because that CC is not valid for them or you can just say that you dont have CC.
✅5-The family (mother, father, kids) is another type of manipulation they use thats why they will ask you to come with ALL of your family because if you are coming alone without your husband/or wife you cannot make a decision and your excuse will be "I need to talk with my husband / wife" but if they have everybody there its easier to convince all the family and you dont have the excuse to say "I need to go and check on my kid". Bottom line they dont want you to have "excuses" to leave the sales room and they cover all of their backs.
✅6-You can easily get them off your back by saying "I am from Quebec" (Sorry to all my Quebec Travel Buddies) but the TS people are not interested if ur from there.
I can go on and say other details but I think that I covered the most important ones. Please be careful 🙏
From all my experiences I like to take a lesson and in this case is "if part of my job will make somebody cry thats not a job that I want to have" sadly more than one person has told me that the closers in those presentations they are so aggressive that they make people cry. (thats not right!) and they feel like if they were in jail
I hope that my experience and these recommendations are helpful for all of you.